Exhibition of Combes paintings is rare treat for art lovers

My Father Kip, a painting by Richard Combes of his dad, Kip Combes, formerly a prominent artist in Worksop.My Father Kip, a painting by Richard Combes of his dad, Kip Combes, formerly a prominent artist in Worksop.
My Father Kip, a painting by Richard Combes of his dad, Kip Combes, formerly a prominent artist in Worksop.
A rare and exciting exhibition of paintings by renowned father-and-son artists, Kip and Richard Combes, is currently on display at Bassetlaw Museum in Retford.

The exhibition focuses on Kip Combes, a prominent artist in Retford and Worksop until his death, at the age of 89, in 2013, and his son, Richard Combes, who is now a highly respected artist based in New York.

It features 17 paintings from both men, whose styles have been influenced by their surroundings and life experiences.

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For example, Kip was originally from Norfolk, and some of his work includes atmospheric, moody watercolours and oil renderings of the much-loved landscape.

During the early stages of the Second World War, Kip was evacuated to Retford with his family and, apart from a period living in Manchester, he remained in the town for the rest of his life. He went on to become president of the Worksop Society of Artists.

Richard was brought up in Retford and worked as an architect in the UK before moving to the USA.

There, he earned a Masters degree in painting at the New York Academy of Art, and his remarkable skills and mastery of techniques have earned him multiple awards.

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He has exhibited internationally, and has work in major private collections across the world. He has also been given full membership of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters.

Richard, whose paintings on show include one of his dad, said: “I would like to thank the museum for this opportunity to show our work together. I know my father would have been greatly honoured.”

The exhibition is open from Mondays to Saturdays (10 am to 4.30 pm) and runs until August 10.

RESIDENTS of Worksop and Retford are being urged to share their interesting objects, and the stories behind them, for a new exhibition at Bassetlaw Museum.

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Curator Sam Glasswell explained: “Some items might be old, illustrating a traditional part of life, while others might be modern, showing how the world has changed.

“We want to exhibit these objects and share the extraordinary stories that go with them.”

To learn more about the exhibition, which will run from September 23 to November 23, pop along to a drop-in session at the museum on Saturday, June 8.