Worksop Town assistant Craig Rouse says its not viable to play without fans

Craig Rouse (right) says it is not viable for Worksop to play without the fans.Craig Rouse (right) says it is not viable for Worksop to play without the fans.
Craig Rouse (right) says it is not viable for Worksop to play without the fans.
Worksop Town assistant manager Craig Rouse believes it is not a viable option for clubs to play behind closed doors.

It has been a full month since Worksop last took to the field, and with no clarity on whether the season will resume or not, clubs across the country may find themselves in financial trouble with the absence of regular gate receipts and revenue.

Rouse is hoping that the government will rethink their plans to force clubs situated in areas that fall within the Tier 3 category, considered the highest risk category, to play with no crowds.

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“It is disappointing because areas that were in Tier 2 and Tier 3 before the lockdown were allowed supporters with restrictions and we were limited to certain numbers, and I don’t think there were any proven cases from that,” said Rouse.

“To then limit the numbers and say that no supporters are allowed in Tier 3, it is disappointing, but we have to fall in line with the decisions made from above.

“I don’t think it is sustainable for any club to play behind closed doors at this level.

“I am praying for a, sort of, government rethink on it, but we might be waiting a long time for that.

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"If crowds are not allowed, then clubs will be in a lot of trouble.

“There are sides in Tier 2 that can play, and sides in Tier 3 that cannot have supporters. If the ones in Tier 3 move into Tier 2, then there may be areas that move up into Tier 3 and then refuse to play.

“I think it is a strange situation, and I feel that unless there is a government rethink, then I cannot see us getting started properly.”

With crowds proposed to be ostracised, Rouse emphasised with supporters, stating that there seems to be no ending to the situation.

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He continued: “Especially at the minute with the pandemic, football is a release for people and those who just want to get out and have a little bit of enjoyment.

“They can’t go out and socialise in pubs or restaurants – the saying ‘all work, no play’ comes into play at the minute for everyone.

“We are all sort of just going about our lives and there is nothing to look forward to on a weekend or in midweek.”

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