Sutton woman's 200-yard drink drive home from pub

Mansfield Magistrates CourtMansfield Magistrates Court
Mansfield Magistrates Court
A Sutton nurse was more than twice over the drink drive limit when she drove 200 yards home from the pub in a bid to stop her husband from getting behind the wheel, a court heard.

Police were tipped off about Alison Wallace’s trip and arrived at her Wildflower Grove home, at 10.20pm, on March 16, in time to see her pull on to the drive.

A test revealed she had 83 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath when the legal limit is 35 microgrammes.

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Rebecca Williams, mitigating, said: “She had been to the pub with her husband and she drove to prevent him from driving.

“It was a fairly short distance - around 200 yards - but she accepts it was a grave error of judgment on her part.”

She said the nurse had been suspended from work, and added: “She is disgusted by her actions.”

Wallace, 52, who had no previous convictions, admitted driving with excess alcohol when she appeared at Mansfield Magistrates Court, on Friday.

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She was banned for 20 months, but was offered a drink drive rehab course which will reduce her disqualification by 152 days if completed before May 2019.

She was fined £265 and ordered to pay a £30 government surcharge and £85 costs.

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