Mobility life line for teen who lives near Worksop thanks to children’s charity

An inspirational disabled teenager who lives near Worksop has been given new hope and independence thanks to the support of a children’s charity.

Harvey Ford-Simms has a range of complex neurological conditions, which have affected his movement and lead to him having significant sight reduction, leaving him dependent on a wheelchair for safe mobility.

After support from the Boparan Charitable Trust, he now has a new specialist light weight wheelchair, allowing him the movement and independence teenagers crave.

Harvey from Walesby said: “The new chair means the world to me, my last one was literally falling to pieces and would leave me in constant pain. The support of the Boparan Charitable Trust has helped to change my life.”

Harvey attends the residential Royal National College for the Blind and the new wheelchair has already made a huge difference to his quality of life and allowed him to focus on a positive future.

Baljinder Boparan, Families Trustee for the Trust said: “We are delighted to have supported Harvey and his family with the new wheelchair, breaking down the barriers and allowing him to reach for the stars and achieve his dreams for the future.”

The Boparan Charitable Trust was set up in 2009 to aid children and young people disadvantaged by disability, life limiting conditions or extreme poverty.

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