Bluebell Wood’s fundraising stalwart steps down

Helen Mower, who is stepping down as head of fundraising at Bluebell Wood children's hospice.Helen Mower, who is stepping down as head of fundraising at Bluebell Wood children's hospice.
Helen Mower, who is stepping down as head of fundraising at Bluebell Wood children's hospice.
A fundraising stalwart of Bluebell Wood children’s hospice has left her post after 17 successful years.

Helen Mower was a key player before Bluebell Wood was even built, joining a tiny team in 2002 that hoped to turn the dream of South Yorkshire’s first hospice into reality.

She progressed to become head of fundraising, and she and her crew worked tirelessly to bring in the £4 million a year, or £11,000 a day, of public donations the hospice needs to survive.

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But all good things must come to an end, and Helen, 62, departs for new horizons next week, leaving behind her a catalogue of happy memories.

Helen, who lives in Wath, said: “It’s very difficult to leave. I have been part of something really important, and I have worked with thousands of truly remarkable staff, local businesses, supporters and volunteers who have given so much of their lives to the hospice.”

Tributes to her have been led by by Simon Hills, the chief executive officer of the hospice. he said: “Helen has helped make Bluebell Wood what it is today.

“We wish her all the best for the future, and thank her for 17 years of dedication and commitment to our charity, our cause and to local families.”

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Helen originally worked in the catering industry, but joined Bluebell Wood after being employed by the NSPCC’s fundraising team.

She helped grow support groups, create links with local companies and stage awareness talks with social groups.

She said her fundraising was not just about asking people for money, but also “inspiring people to realise what a difference they can make, and motivating them to give their time and energy”.