Marvellous Martha is a running star for Bluebell Wood

Martha and Steve Hazelhurst ran in the Worksop Hallowe'en half-marathon to raise funds for Bluebell WoodMartha and Steve Hazelhurst ran in the Worksop Hallowe'en half-marathon to raise funds for Bluebell Wood
Martha and Steve Hazelhurst ran in the Worksop Hallowe'en half-marathon to raise funds for Bluebell Wood
An athletic seven year old from Worksop has raised more than £100 for Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice after she completed a 2.5 kilometre fun run.

Martha Hazlehurst entered the fun run, which was held as part of the Worksop Hallowe’en half-marathon.

She completed the course in 14 minutes, beating her time from last year by four minutes.

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Martha has raised £135 in sponsorship for the North Anston based children’s hospice.

Steve Hazlehurst, her dad, said: “I’m incredibly proud of Martha and am pleased she decided to raise money for charity.

“She is a very determined little girl who enjoys life and wants people to be happy, which is why she asked if she could collect money for Bluebell Wood.

“She is very young, but she loves doing sporty things such as running, cycling and football.

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“I run as well, but I think if she stays as motivated as she is, I’ll be struggling to keep up with her soon.

“Martha regularly takes part in park runs and plays football at school. It’s all her choice and I just support her.”

Out of the 350 fun runners, Martha crossed the line in 41st place alongside her dad and she plans to enter again next year.

The half-marathon, which is largely run through Clumber Park, was completed by more than 2,700 runners and around £3,000 has been raised for Bluebell Wood.

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Melanie Rose, community fund-raiser at Bluebell Wood, said: “Martha is an inspirational seven-year-old and we are grateful she decided to raise money for us.

“She’s used her talent and enjoyment for sport to make a huge difference to the families who we support.

“We are also delighted so many other people chose to raise much-needed money for Bluebell Wood too.

“I’d like to say a big thank you to all our runners and supporters and well done to everyone who entered.”

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Fifteen Bluebell Wood volunteers also helped at the event with registration, handing out t-shirts at the end of the race and with a bag drop where runner’s belongings were kept.

To find out how you can help Bluebell Wood, please visit