LETTER: Honours List - give top accolades to the deserving

When are we going to get a government that will shake up this system of giving out honours?

When the latest New Year Honours list was announced it made me physically sick, it was all the same again.

Knighthoods were given out again just because the recipients had belonged to a political party.

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Most of them had been removed from Parliament by their electors for going back on their election manifestos.

Nearly all of them have been working hard to overturn the EU referendum result, once again against the will of the majority of the electors.

Let’s now look at the other end of the honours list, such as the OBE and other medals.

These are given to very hard working members of society for services they have given to the areas that they live in, or to the country at large, and this is not just for serving a political party.

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Most of them are given after 20 to 30 years of their spare time being given to helping and setting up good causes.

A few years ago I remember a lollipop lady was given medal (I can’t remember which one). This was for standing at a school crossing twice a day for nearly 20 years, safely getting children to and from school. She should have been made a Dame.

Will the honours system ever get changed so that those who deserve the highest honours get them?

I believe that it could be if a government with a strong leader was elected and had the will to change what I feel is an unfair system. But I can’t see one in any of the parties we have at Westminster at the moment.

Ivor Jones

Shireoaks Road,


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