Guest Column: We need to solve traffic chaos in Langold

John Mann MPJohn Mann MP
John Mann MP
I have been contacted by a number of residents about the recent parking chaos in Langold.

Over the May Day bank holiday, I understand that there was traffic gridlock, preventing people from accessing their homes with buses getting caught up in the jam.

Thank goodness no-one needed the emergency services.

I want to assure residents in Langold that I will be looking at this issue very closely and plan to call a meeting so we can work together to sort this problem.

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The news that more than 70 different organisations, including Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the Campaign for National Parks, have called on the Prime Minister to support the National Trust in its opposition for seismic testing in Clumber Park is promising.

I’m right behind the National Trust on this issue.

I have consistently called for local residents to be part of the decision making process when there are fracking planning applications in local areas.

Sadly, the Government has ignored my demands and

I continue to work with residents in this area where test drilling is taking place.

The rollout of Universal Credit since the end of last year has an increasing demand on the food bank as families cannot afford to eat.

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Please do not forget about donating to the food bank whenever you can for those in need.

This week, the food bank is in need of tinned custard, rice pudding, tinned fruit, dilute squash, UHT milk, sugar, coffee, gravy granules, soap, shaving foam, men’s toiletries and washing up liquid.

If you are able to, please donate items to my office on Stanley Street in Worksop.