GCSE’s: Students are happy with results at Worksop College

Guardian NewsGuardian News
Guardian News
Worksop College is celebrating GCSE Results Day with an A* to C pass rate of 90.1 per cent and in particular an increase of 10 per cent in the number of pupils achieving five A* to C grades.

Overall 49.2 per cent of the grades awarded were at the A* or A grade level with seven pupils achieving straight A grades across all subjects and 78 per cent of pupils achieved A* to C including English and Maths.

One top achiever was sixteen year old Sophie Parker who obtained a clean sweep of 12 A* grades and is looking forward to continuing her studies at A Level at Worksop College.

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Other excellent results include twin brothers Christopher and Michael Davies who obtained 4A*s and 6As and 6A*s and 5A grades respectively.

And the name Davies appears to be of particular significance with un-related James Davies also celebrating with 9A*s and 3A grades.

James plans to take five subjects at A level with a view to studying a business or banking related subject at university.

James said: “I am absolutely over the moon. I never expected to get so many top grades. Very happy.”

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Charlotte Spencer achieved an outstanding 9 A* and 3A grades and will continue to study A Levels in Latin, History, Geography and French next year at Worksop College.

Charlotte said: “I am really pleased. Getting such good results was unexpected but I am relieved that the long wait is now over.”

Another pupil securing a significant number of top grades was Kathleen Blyth with 5A*s and 4A grades amongst her results.

Further notable achievements include German-born Aliki Korth who achieved an excellent 5A*s and 1A grade amongst her results, despite English being her second language.

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The average number of GCSE subjects passed by each Worksop College pupil was 8.7.

Gavin Horgan, Headmaster at Worksop College said: “Such a marked increase in the key figures at GCSE is an excellent achievement, especially as reports in the Press speak of a drop in grades across the country.”

“This is a testament to the hard work of pupils and teachers and to our relentless focus on constantly raising standards.”