Gainsborough: Burglars were caught red handed as they raided a family’s home

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Gainsborough Standard In Court logo
Two burglars were caught red handed just moments after they raided a family’s home in Gainsborough, a court heard.

John Grange-Smith, 27, and Shauni Potts, 19, were among a group of three men who were spotted by police near the burgled property in Alfred Street.

Lincoln Crown Court heard Potts was seen throwing something over a garden wall after officers became suspicious of them.

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Adam Pearson, prosecuting, said when an officer looked behind the wall he found a tablet computer which had been taken during the burglary.

A back door key to the premises was also found lying on the ground.

Both Grange-Smith and Potts were wearing gloves but a third man who was with them escaped and was never caught despite a police officer giving chase.

The court heard Grange-Smith was searched and found to be in possession of over £20 in one pound coins and a flat headed screwdriver.

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Mr Pearson said the property in Alfred Street had been subjected to an untidy search with several small amounts of cash taken.

This included around £45 taken from a pay meter for the television and a collection of five pence coins taken from a savings tin.

During interview Grange-Smith denied taking part in the burglary. He claimed the screw driver was to help fix his bike and that he had been out looking to buy cannabis.

Potts also denied taking part in the burglary but admitted to handling stolen goods during his interview.

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The court was told Potts had now turned his life around and was living with his father in Ireland, and Grange-Smith was working as a labourer.

Potts, who now lives in the Republic of Ireland, and Grange-Smith, of Richardson Rise, Gainsborough, both admitted the burglary which happened in February.

Grange-Smith was sentenced to nine months imprisonment suspended for two years. He was also ordered to pay £50 compensation, placed under the supervision of a probation officer for 12 months and sentenced to 150 hours of unpaid work in the community.

Potts was sentenced to six months youth custody suspended for two years. He was also ordered to pay £50 compensation and placed under supervision for 12 months.