Cash towards new digs for homeless

Local homeless charity Hope Community Services has been awarded £10,000 from Morrisons Foundation.Local homeless charity Hope Community Services has been awarded £10,000 from Morrisons Foundation.
Local homeless charity Hope Community Services has been awarded £10,000 from Morrisons Foundation.
A homeless charity has been awarded £10,000 to develop accommodation in the town centre.

The money was awarded to Hope Community Services by Morrison’s Foundation, the charitable arm of the well-known supermarket.

The funding will be used to help in the development of what will be new move-on accommodation in Worksop town centre.

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It will ensure the charity can complete refurbishing the property, which was in a very poor state of repair, and is part-way through its considerable physical improvements, internally and externally, to become fit for purpose. The building is being transformed into a six bedroomed shared facility for those who previously had nowhere to live, but are now ready for a home their own.

CEO Alan Diggles said: “The support that Morrison’s Foundation has provided is a vital piece in the jigsaw to make this project a reality. Nationally, there is a shortage of housing, which is most extreme in the Midlands and north. Homelessness in Nottinghamshire in the last year is up by over 50 per cent, so Morrison’s commitment to those in greatest need demonstrates how they are supporting local communities. Supermarkets often get bad press, so it’s good to show their true colours.”

A spokesman for Morrison’s Foundation said: “Morrison’s is committed to making a difference to people’s lives in our local area. Offering grants such as this to Hope so they can continue and complete their fantastic project that will offer shelter, security and improve the lives for many local people. It was a great pleasure to meet the staff and workman on site for the cheque handover and we would like to wish Hope very success with this project.

“This foundation funding is one of three the company have donated within the past 7 months. Joel received £500 for the relative room at Bassetlaw Hospital and a grant of £2000 was given to the Oasis Community Centre to purchase equipment.

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“At Morrison’s Worksop we work hard to accommodate many local charities, community groups, schools and junior sports groups. In-store we offer advice on how to apply to the Foundation and support with raffles/tombola/fetes/fundraising bag packs, as well store tours for schools and junior groups.”

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