Boat pull gets off to a great start

Sponsored boat pull to raise money for the Woodlands Country Park and upkeep of Dawn RoseSponsored boat pull to raise money for the Woodlands Country Park and upkeep of Dawn Rose
Sponsored boat pull to raise money for the Woodlands Country Park and upkeep of Dawn Rose
A canal boat pull along the Chesterfield Canal has gotten off to a great start.

The Dawn Rose’s journey from Shireoaks to the River Trent and back started on Saturday, June 4,

The first group were the Friends of Woodlands and Coachwood Green, plus a couple of volunteers from McDonald’s.

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They pulled the 70 foot long, hand-built, wooden narrowboat for two miles between Shireoaks and the Priory Centre at Worksop.

The first two volunteers to be put into the harnesses were Councillor Sybil Fielding and her daughter. Coun Fielding is a very long-term supporter of the New Dawn Project.

The boat pull is being organised by the Friends of Dawn Rose.

The journey has been split up into 20 sections which vary from less than one mile to four miles and no locks to eight locks. It will finish on June 18.

To take part every group has paid a £50 fee to the Friends of Dawn Rose.

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