Five of the best walks in and around Bassetlaw this Christmas according to Worksop Guardian's columnist Sally Outram

A stunning view that can be seen on the Tuxford circular walk.A stunning view that can be seen on the Tuxford circular walk.
A stunning view that can be seen on the Tuxford circular walk.
The Worksop Guardian’s walking columnist has put together some of her favourite walks to enjoy this Christmas.

Cuckney circular

Distance: 3 miles

Approximate time to walk: 1 hour 45 minutes to two hours

Start point: St. Mary’s Church – Cuckney NG20 9JP

Parking: Roadside by the church

Refreshments: Greendale Oak Pub


We start this walk at the Church on Norton Lane and with your back to the church, turn left (cross over onto the footpath) and proceed along the path towards Norton.

Continue until you reach a junction (bend), here turn right onto Old Mill Lane, passing a pretty pond on your right. Proceed for a short distance and then turn right onto the A616 Budby Road.

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Follow the road along the footpath and head towards the village, passing the Greendale Oak.

Proceed along and cross over the main A60 Creswell Road heading towards the community gardens on the left. If you have the time, it is worth popping in for a look.

From the gardens, veer to the left and onto School Lane. Continue along the lane until you reach the metal fence at the edge of Cuckney Dam.

Turn left and head towards the steps. Go up the steps and walk over the hill until you reach Langwith Road.

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Turn left onto the grass, then path and head back towards the village until you reach the main A60. At this point cross over onto Cottage Lane.

Proceed until you see the Greendale Oak and the church on Norton Lane where our walk began.

An Urban Ramble

Distance: 2.79 miles

Approx time: 1 hour 20 minutes to two hours

Start point and parking: Worksop Railway Station


Starting at the train station, head to Carlton Road, keeping to the footpath on the right, passing the Station Hotel on your left. Proceed along until you reach a large junction.

At the lights, cross over to the opposite side of the road, and continue along onto Bridge Place, crossing over Ryton Street and Newcastle Avenue, until you reach Castle Street, where you turn right.

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Continue along Castle Street to the junction were Castle Hill merges with Hill Street. Turn left onto Lead Hill, with the garage on your left, walk downhill to the junction with Westgate.

Turn left along the footpath and walk towards the Savoy Cinema ahead, then proceed left onto Market Place. Where the pedestrianised area merges, turn right onto Potter Street, passing the Town Hall and the iconic French Horn, continue along until you reach a mini roundabout.

Cross over carefully and continue straight ahead to the next mini roundabout. Here you will see the Priory Cross. At the lights, cross over and walk through the gatehouse archway, along the tree-lined track to the Priory. The library, war memorial and The Canch are to the left.

Back to Priorswell Road, continue until you reach the canal bridge. Turn left onto Canal Road and follow the road alongside the canal, passing the flour mill to your right, proceed along until you reach Beaver Place. Turn left and walk along Beaver Place, at the Fisherman’s Arms, turn right onto Church Walk, follow the road bearing left, until you reach the main junction.

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Turn right crossing the canal bridge, cross over at the lights, keeping to the right, and proceed back along Carlton Road, passing Carlton House Vintage before heading back to the railway station.

Barlborough circular

Distance: 3.2 miles

Approx time: Two hours

Start point: school

Refreshments: Various pubs in the village


We begin this lovely walk on High Street, by the primary school. Head towards Ruthyn Avenue and proceed to walk along the footpath until just before California Lane. You will see a path to your right, which takes you through the Laurels.

Follow the field edge track bearing right, this follows the line of the motorway. After a short distance turn left and cross the bridge over the motorway following the track to the right, keeping the woodland to your left.

Proceed along the track, you will see a line of hedging/trees to the left, follow this until you reach a stile. Cross over the stile and into a field. You can see the old mine mound to your right.

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Follow the track round to the right of the hedge, passing Quarry Dam on your left. (You can view the dam by access over a stile to your left). Continue along to join a farm track, and after a short distance you will see a stile to your left, just before the woods.

Cross over the stile and continue through the woodland path and on until you reach a small stream or ditch. Cross over the ditch and continue along the field edge track until you reach another stile. Cross over the stile and turn right, following the track until you reach the motorway.

Proceed over the motorway bridge and turn right (waymarked). Walk along, passing a woodland to your right, cross over the cattle grid and continue along passing Barlborough Hall to your left and onto Ward Lane.

Continue along Ward Lane until you reach High Street, Market Cross and the start point.

Nether Langwith circular

Distance: 3.4 miles

Approx time: 1 hour and 20 minutes

Start point: Poulter Country Park main car park

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Nearest Food: Jug and Glass Inn, Queens Walk, Nether Langwith NG20 9EW


We begin this walk at the main car park. At the top of the parking area, take the main track to the left, keeping the pond area to your left. Follow the white stone path through the woodland and meadows.

Keep following the marked route until you reach an intersection of paths, turn right, and proceed up the hill, the views behind you are fantastic!

Continue along until you reach the top, here you will see an impressive stone sculpture. Following the main track, proceed along until it splits, take the path to the right, and follow it round to the right, passing the World War Two memorial stone on your left.

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Proceed along the path, bearing right passing through the pretty meadows until you return to the main car park.

Continue to walk out of the car park and turn left at the small bar gate, follow the track for a short distance, turn right and walk through a narrow track, turning left onto Whaley Road. Continue along for approximately 0.3 miles, and just beyond the arched bridge turn left through a small gate and follow the pretty track keeping the river to your right.

At the end of the woodland track you will see a grassy area and a metal gate. Proceed through the gate, turn right, crossing over the road and at the main road turn left, keeping the river to your left.

Continue on the pathway along the main road, and after a short distance turn left onto Queens Walk, follow the road round bearing right until you will reach the Jug and Glass Inn.

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This is the perfect opportunity to stop and take in the views over they pretty green or call at the pub for a bite to eat and enjoy a tasty pint before retracing your steps back to the car park at the start of the walk.

Welham and Clarborough circular

Distance: 4.97 miles (8 km)

Approx time: 2 hours 10 minutes

Start point: Road/lane by the A620, next to Hop Pole public house, Retford SK719818

Dog friendly: Yes, on a lead

Refreshments: There are some cracking picnic spots and public houses along the route.


We begin this super walk on the old road which runs parallel alongside the main A620. With the pub behind you, walk along the road until you come across the signposted footpath to your right. Proceed through the gate and continue keeping the hedge to your left. After a short distance you will cross a stream, continue until you reach a stile.

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Cross over the stile, proceed on and you will come to the railway crossing. Proceed over the crossing taking care, as this line is still in use. Once over the railway line, walk along the tree lined track/lane ahead for ¼ of a mile.

At the end is Little Gringley Lane. Cross over the road with care and proceed to the grassy area ahead which merges into a track. Follow this until you reach the wide lane.

Continue along for ¾ of a mile, to an intersection. Follow the path to the left and onto The Baulk. The views from here are fabulous, and on a fine day you can see for miles around.

Continue on crossing over the railway line, walking downhill along the baulk until you reach the village of Clarborough and onto Church Lane.

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Turn left onto Church Lane along the footpath, passing the pretty church of St John the Baptist.

Proceed through the churchyard heading to behind church. You will see some steps, continue up the steps to the gate on the left, which leads into a field.

Follow the track through the field, you will eventually come out onto Big Lane. Turn left, heading to the main road.

Turn right along Main Street and, continue until you are opposite Big Lane. Cross over with care and proceed along Big Lane until you reach Broad Gores, turn right, and continue along Broad Gores until you reach its end, where you will merge on o a field.

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Follow the track/path, bearing right, over the field, where the path forks bear left and head to the play park area.

At the play area join the footpath to the right then immediately turn left, follow the path and head up towards the main road and the canal bridge. Proceed over the bridge and join the tow path. Turn right going under the bridge and walk along the canal path passing the Gate Inn.

Follow the towpath, go under the next bridge at Bonemill Lane, formerly Wellhouse Lane. Continue along the towpath until you reach the renowned Whitsunday Pie Lock.

You can leave the route here and cross over the main road back to the start point or continue a short distance further and come off the towpath at the next bridge, before returning to the start.